
WormCompostingTO is all about worm composting (and now gardening) in Toronto. In particular, a 2-bedroom condo in downtown Toronto, yes it can be done!

My personal philosophy on worm composting is it should be cheap, easy, clean, useful, and fun. I occasionally sell worms to help others get started but I don’t do this as a business, it’s just a personal interest.

I’m not an expert or a scientist and I am often relaying information that I’ve seen online with a bit of my own experience tied in but after managing a bin for 4 years and helping a few friends and family members start their bins, I’ve learned a lot.

I’m all about cheap, easy composting and hope that if I share some of my tips more people will compost too. I’m also always looking for more info so please post, comment and share whatever you can – successes, failures, questions, whatever!

I manage this site mostly from my smartphone so it’s nothing fancy. The photos aren’t high resolution but not sure anyone wants to see rotting food in HD. Hope you find the information useful and feel free to send me questions or suggestions.

If you’re new to worm composting and want more information check out Why Compost? and Getting Started.

Happy composting!!